Copedia SOX404Lite is our complete solution for compliance with Section 404(a) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Section 404(a) of the Sabanes-Oxley Act requires publicly traded companies to include an internal control report in their Annual Report which must:
(1) state the responsibility of management for establishing and maintaining an adequate internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting; and
(2) contain an assessment, as of the end of the most recent fiscal year of the issuer, of the effectiveness of the internal control structure and procedures of the issuer for financial reporting.
The SOX404Lite product is an internal control assurance and reporting system designed specifically for small business issuers, nonprofits, and SMEs seeking funding and others wanting or needing to comply. We can help you achieve compliance with Section 404(a) of the Act in just a few weeks, or you can license our tools standalone and manage the implementation project on your own.
Basic Template Set
Project Planning Memorandum
Entity Level Questionnaire
Significant Accounts Identification Matrix
Code of Conduct for Directors
Code of Ethics for CEO/ President / CFO
Cash management and treasury policies and procedures
A/P, cash disbursements, and expense policies and procedures
Equity, Options and Warrants policies and procedures
Financial statement close and reporting policies and procedures
Cash management and treasury internal control matrix
A/P, cash disbursements, and expense internal control matrix
Equity, Options and Warrants internal control matrix
Financial statement close and reporting internal control matrix
Project Conclusion Memorandum
Section 8A or 9A report
SOX404Lite Premium Template Set
Includes all Basic Suite templates plus:
SOX 404 Implementation Matrix
Significant Process Identification Matrix
Code of Ethics for COO, CIO, Principal Accounting Officer and Employee
Entity-level Controls Matrix
Policies and Procedures for Accounts Receivable and Revenue Recognition
Accounts receivable and revenue recognition internal control matrix
Policies and Procedures for Debt and related financing components
Debt and related financing components internal control matrix
Polices and Procedures for Accounting IT
Accounting IT internal control matrix
Policies and Procedures for fixed assets and depreciation
Fixed assets and depreciation control matrix
Other assets policies and procedures
Other assets internal control matrix
Intangible assets policies and procedures
Intangible assets internal control matrix
Operations IT policies and procedures
Operations IT internal control matrix
Audit Committee Charter
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Charter
Compensation Committee Charter
Audit Committee Self-Assessment Questionnaire
What We Deliver
We deliver a straightforward and simple system for you to comply with the legal requirements of the Act. You can license just the templates, get the templates with some guidance from us, or have our qualified staff manage the project for you.
Templates Download in Word and Excel
All Templates download in MS Word and Excel for easy customization.
License, Download, Customize - Done!!
The SOX404Lite compliance tools are license separately.