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Accounting Flowcharts

Accounting Flowchart Templates

Accounting Flowcharts for your manuals.

The Copedia Accounting Flow charts are templates prepared in MS Word files. Included are 15 template files covering the accounting process, financial cycle, revenue cycle, sales process, cash receipts, sales returns, bad debt write off, expenditure cycle, purchasing, receiving, vendor payment, and payroll.

Modifying the templates is as easy as drag and drop and cut and paste. You will want to include the flowcharts in your manual.

The Accounting Flow Charts are included with the Accounting and Management Template Library. They are also included with the Benchmarking and Best Practices module.

15 Accounting Process Flowchart Included

Flowchart Shapes

The flowchart shapes template provides the basic shapes for the accounting flowcharts.

accounting flowchart shapes



Internal Control Checklists and evaluation tools. Internal control procedures for accounting, management, HR, safety, grants, projects and sales.

purchasing flowchart


Human Resources

The Garnishment Procedure Flowchart is included in the Payroll Manual.

garnishment procedure flowchart


Templates Download in Word and Excel

All Templates download in MS Word and Excel for easy customization.